I always thought that I could never see any true
unselfishness on a social network like Facebook. I was wrong. Recent events
have shown me that friendship is not always an empty word.
Author Eric Arvin is in the hospital with a tumor at
his brain stem that is keeping him from breathing on his own. I don't know
anything about the American insurance system, but I know that it can be very
expensive to pay for all the tests and surgeries that need to be done in this
case. So I could understand that beyond the worry of Eric's health, there was
also the payment’s question.
Well, believe it or not, a chain of friendship was
created on Facebook, and a fundraiser was held. And what I saw there was
I'm so proud to be a part of this community. This
gives me hope in humanity. It is not so rotten after all. There are still good
people on earth. Hurray!
If you too want to help Eric, you can send him a message on his Facebook's page or participate on the fundraiser.
And remember… life can be beautiful when we all hold
hands in the adversity.
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